The Academic & Professional Staff Association

The Academic and Professional Staff Association (APSA) of the Universities of South Africa is a registered trade union. We have been active on the campuses of Unisa as a trade union from our inception in 1991 (when the Teaching Staff Association became a union). The Teaching Staff Association first came into existence in 1947 and was eventually registered as a trade union when the current Labour Relations Act became effective in November 1995. APSA is an independent, a-political and autonomous union and is entirely self-funded. We are not affiliated to any political party or movement, and are not affiliated to any other union or union federation.

Our members enjoy the right to freedom of expression and association. We do however co-operate with other unions in the Higher Education Sector when it is in the best interest of our members to do so. Our primary task is to help, support and protect our members. We accept and loudly proclaim that a university is not simply like any other workplace, as universities are academic institutions. Thus, our natural focus has always been and will remain to promote the interest of the academic sector. That means that we will approach general collective matters from an academic perspective where it is appropriate. That is not only a unique and different perspective, but at a university, a necessary one. One of the major changes is that previously (before 2006) our recognition agreement prevented us from representing non-academic employees and support staff. This was due to the dispensation that we inherited at the outset of APSAs first recognition as a registered trade union in 1995.

Labour is Entitled to Everything it Creates.


Our aim is to improve job security on a broad basis through existing procedures. We also strive to improve existing benefits and the general working environment. We are committed to improving the working conditions of academic as well as non-academic employees through a collective effort. Naturally, since we represent academic, research and support staff at Universities, our aim also includes improving the standard of education within Universities. For APSA to achieve this, participation in the Bargaining Forum in universities is of the utmost importance, since this is where conditions of employment, working conditions and general policies regarding this institution and its employees are discussed and decided.

Aims and objectives

Important Documents

Apsa membership form


APSA Constitution
